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How to Add a Booking Question

Add a booking question that helps you gather the information you need while ensuring your clients have all the necessary guidance.

Anna Dís avatar
Written by Anna Dís
Updated over a week ago

A booking question is a useful tool to ensure your clients always book the right thing and know everything they need before making an online booking. It also allows you to get all the information you need prior to the appointment.

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What is a booking question?

A booking question is a question asked to the customer when they are trying to make an appointment for a certain service. You can adapt the booking question depending on the service.

How to add a booking question?

To add a booking question, first, you must go to the "online bookings" section on the left-hand side menu bar. Then click on the "Services, Staff & Resources" tab. From there you will see a list of all your services. Simply go to the service you want, press "edit" and you will see a box labeled "booking question". All you need to do is type in the question and press save, and it will show up any time someone tries to book that service.

It will then show up on the booking screen when a customer books that service:

You can see the question, "What is your favorite color?" appear above the "cancelation policy" section.

Where can you see it?

Now you have entered a booking question for a particular service, when a customer books that service and answers the question, you will see their answer in appointment notes. By going onto your calendar and clicking the appointment, you will see a box below appointment notes with their answer.

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